Betheny Zolt


A full cosmos of vocal range delivered with irresistible confidence.

Time for thanks…

by | Nov 23, 2021 | Voice Over News

November is always a month I am super grateful for.  I happen to LOVE Thanksgiving.  Being someone who meditates regularly, and is always in practice of gratefulness and abundance, November represents a time for all of us to really dedicate to being thankful for all we have all around us.  This year it really hits home as someone very close to me was given some “not-so good” news regarding his heath.  So the thing I am grateful and thankful for is that he has so much love and support all around him, and we are all here to make sure he vibrates at his optimal level while going through what he must in order to beat this.  It’s not easy, but miracles can happen.

Besides my family and friends and all of the love and support I have in my life, I am so thankful for my VO career.  November has been plentiful with continued bookings with Hallmark, TV Land, Bally Sports and now Summer’s Eve.  So grateful and so thankful.  Always.

Happy Thanksgiving!!




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